Friday, 19 February 2010

Quick Update

As it's been over a week since I last posted (sorry!) I thought I'd drop by with a quick update. All week I've been making the 24th scale furniture to go into Mulberry Cottage - just have to paint it all now! Then it's the soft furnishings. The lights have been connected - do you say "Awwwhhh!" too when you light up your house for the first time? - and then it's ready to be revealed. Also got a phone call from my local miniatures shop to say that the gardener I ordered for the market stall has arrived - yay!! - so will be picking him up tomorrow and no doubt having a good old rummage in the shop for any other little pickings. Other than that I've several miniatures to make for our swap group, namely some old-fashioned toys, something Easter related and my surprise swap to the group. I have a rough idea of what I'll be making so will be back with the details soon. Take care until then x

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