Monday, 26 September 2011

Bad Blogger!!

Hi Ladies and thank you for your lovely comments which I appreciate x

Blogger is not playing nicely and won't let me post a reply to your comments!  If anyone has an idea on how to remedy this please let me know.

Eva, the kit is from and costs £12.99
Hope that helps,

Hugs to all xxx


  1. Just checking! Think I may have fixed the problem, but not hopeful that it'll be a permanent fix! Cheerio x

  2. Hi Allison...Looks like you´ve solved the problem without help. Is a very commen issue at the moment with Blogger. I downloaded Google Chrome and that helped my problems with commenting. What did you do?

  3. Hi Annie - I logged out of blogger, cleared all the cookies and logged in again from and didn't tick 'Remember me' box. Fingers crossed it's solved the problem!

  4. For a permanent fix at your own blog, remove the embedded comment form and opt for either the pop-up or full window, you won't have to sign out to comment on your own blog.

  5. Allison - lovely to meet a fellow 'Blogger' from Scotland ;-)


I love to read your comments, so please leave a message to let me know you've called by x