Sunday, 25 April 2010

Garden Delights!

I do spend an awful lot of time on my doll houses and miniatures but at this time of year my garden, which is largely neglected for most of the year, always seems to call me. I recently spent the day with a friend who loves gardening and, after a lovely walk, we went on a tour of the local garden centres, stopping at one for lunch. I came home full of ideas, two tomato plants and a pepper plant. Yesterday I managed to rope the whole family into helping turn an unused plot into the start of a new, albeit small, vegetable/fruit/herb garden. So far, the only plants in the ground are chives and some raspberry canes. I now have two propagators sitting by the window having sown parsley, coriander, basil, peas, spring onions, courgettes, carrots and salad leaves. Oh and not forgetting sweet peas and lupins to add a splash of colour! We have blackbirds nesting in our conifers, blue tits filling the nest boxes and the bees seem to be coming out of hibernation so the garden was a hive (no pun intended!) of activity yesterday. Even our guinea pigs did their bit and cropped some of the grass for us!Today it is very overcast and drizzly so I'll wait for a sunnier day to show you the garden. Meanwhile, hope everyone enjoys their Sunday however you choose to spend it x


  1. Hi Allison thanks for the beading info the weather is nasty here too so im stuck inside today but maybe i can do some mini'ing

  2. Me ha encantado tu relato de como has pasado el dia arregalndo tu jardin.
    Volvere para ver fotos de lo bonito que te ha quedado.
    besitos ascension

  3. Hi Aliison it's a pleasure to meet you. I'll keep in touch and occasionaly ask you about Scotland, a country I wholeheartedly love . See you soon Rosanna


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