Monday, 26 April 2010

Eye Candy Treat!

A friend of mine, who is not a miniaturist, sent me a link to a site saying that she did not know if it was any good or not. This proved to be a bit of an understatement....this house is fabulous!
Maddie gave permission for me to add some of her photos to my blog and if you would like to see more (and I know you will!) visit her here


  1. I want to be a hobbit and move immediately ! Rosanna

  2. Fab link Allison thanks for sharing

  3. Thank goodness you found out about this Allison, I've had a look and that is the most truly amazing project. I've bookmarked it because it'll need several return visits to even begin to take in all the details.

    Thanks so very much for letting us know about this :)

  4. Que preciosidad!!!!
    Me voy a ver los detalles en su blog.
    Gracias por el enlace
    besitos ascension


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